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There's a better way to get media coverage for B2B businesses in a specific industry.

When most companies think about media relations, they dream of large and splashy coverage. All you need is that one article in The New York Times or the Wall Street Journal to generate a lot of attention for your organization. It’ll be your brand’s “big break,” and it’ll be sunshine and daisies from there. 

But even if that dream comes true, will the right people actually see your messaging? 

Landing that big story probably won’t impact your bottom line, and you will likely spend a lot of time (and budget) chasing glory. There’s a much better way to align your media relations strategy to your business goals: Pursuing a strong presence in industry trade publications. 

Trade reporters are far more likely to speak your language. They’ll take a more in-depth and nuanced approach to coverage, and they’ll dive deep into the details that make your company and its offerings truly unique. In other words, they’ll know the ins and outs of your industry, and they’re regularly more open to technical topics compared to mainstream media. 

Most importantly, trade publications represent a direct line of communication to key decision makers in your industry. Here are four big reasons why industry trade publications should be a big part of your media relations strategy. 

  • Trade media wants to know what you’re up to. While mainstream media generally covers everything that is happening in the world, trade media is focused on everything that is happening in your industry. Trade reporters are specialists in their fields, and they will understand the context of what makes your work unique and meaningful within the industry. They need interesting stories that will resonate with their readers, and their readers are more in tune with the technical details and complexities that may be bewildering to mainstream audiences.
  • They’re a great platform for thought leadership. Because trade publications are focused on a single industry, they often turn to thought leaders within that industry. Brands have a chance to position themselves as innovators and share their point of view through bylined pieces or other contributed content. These bylines allow for a greater degree of control over your messaging, because they come directly from an industry spokesperson.
  • You’ll be speaking directly to an audience familiar with your industry. Business-to-business (B2B) organizations often struggle to find the best outlet-to-audience fit. Even when they land mainstream coverage, there’s often a lot of background information required to contextualize the story. With trade publications, the readers are already knowledgeable in the field, and they’re often individuals that can directly impact your business goals. For instance, automotive trade publications such as Automotive News speak directly to executives of automotive suppliers and OEMs - key decision-makers within the automotive industry.
  • Good trade publications are everywhere. In an ever-growing world of consumer choices for news, it can be hard to stand out. Your wish list of mainstream media outlets is probably very short, and it’s likely identical to every other company out there. While they may be lesser known outside your industry, trade publications are reputable sources of industry information. Airfoil evaluates trade publications based on audience demographics, past success in driving meaningful connections, and quality of coverage. We also read trade publications as part of our research process, as they help us keep our fingers on the pulse of many changing industries. 

Of course, outreach to trades takes a lot of time, effort, and experience. Everyone’s busy -- especially journalists -- and trade stories are often dense technical pieces that take a lot of groundwork to pull together. Having a media relations partner who knows how to approach trade journalists can streamline the process and make the most out of your budget.

Building relationships with editors and reporters at tech, healthcare, and automotive trade media has been the backbone of Airfoil since its foundation. We have the media relations expertise to know which trade outlets are worth your time, and we understand how you can craft the perfect story. By developing an outreach plan that targets trade publications, brands can create worthwhile, in-depth pieces that speak directly to core audiences. 

Are you ready to consider a media relations plan for trade publications? If you want to get noticed in the competitive B2B world, reach out to Airfoil today. Our media relations experience will help your organization rise above the competition.