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Whether you’re launching a revolutionary app, a groundbreaking AI system, or the latest must-have gadget, a well-crafted press release is essential for media coverage. Announcing a new product takes serious communication, and a good press release is essential to help get the word out.

Here are six tips that will help you write the best press release for your product launch:

  1. Think strategically about your media targets. Before you start drafting your release, it’s important for you to determine the media markets you want to target. A regional app launch won’t appeal to the same publications that a global cloud security system will. Doing research ahead of time on reporter interests, editorial strategy and each outlet’s coverage plans will give you a better idea of the publications to include in your media relations strategy.
  2. Think strategically about your content, too. Next, think about the information needed to fully explain your product. Put yourself in the shoes of a reporter and ask yourself what details they would need to write an informed and compelling article. This is an opportunity to put your product’s value into perspective. Gathering all the relevant information ahead of time will make it easier for you to write content that is both informative and attention-grabbing.
  3. Keep it concise. Use the title and first paragraph of your release to emphasize your main points and hook your reader. Reporters are inundated with hundreds of emails every day, and they often don’t have time to read pitches in their entirety. If your release can quickly answer the five W’s (who, what, where, when, and why), reporters are more likely to be engaged and interested in following up.
  4. Include compelling quotes from a top executive or stakeholder. Embedded quotes can reflect your company’s excitement for the launch, what it hopes to achieve with the new product, how the product differentiates itself from the competition or how the product delivers a great user experience. Reporters often pull quotes directly from releases to include in their articles, so make sure yours are succinct and simple enough for the average reader to understand. And as always, avoid jargon as much as possible.
  5. Include a visual element in your release. Whether it’s an image of the product, a link to a video demonstration or an interactive graphic, visuals are a great addition to press releases. That’s especially the case if your product is aesthetically pleasing or difficult to describe on paper alone. Providing visuals with your release also does reporters a big favor: If they decide to publish an article, they’ll already have supporting assets from your release.  
  6. Make your release copy SEO-compliant. Press announcements are often posted online with little to no copy edits, so the burden of search-engine optimization (SEO) is on you. Choose your keywords strategically, but make sure you don’t overload your release with buzzwords. It only takes a few keywords to drive people to your social channels, website, and store.

Press releases are a tried-and-true industry staple. Written well, they can help propel your product launch forward and generate interest among reporters and consumers alike. Looking for additional guidance? Download Airfoil’s product launch checklist template below.


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